The story of a great artistquality label

“You know, even though we used to live in Dubrovnik and Zagreb, our best family memories are related to this house in Split. We were happy here.”

Olga Meštrović

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tour guide icon to prior notice
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Visit us and experience the unique atmosphere of our museum and the Mediterranean garden ornated with sculptures. I will show you a few hidden corners and tell you about the events we experienced right here, while this beautiful space was still our family home. If you are curious, I will tell you a little bit about my husband Ivan Meštrović, our greatest sculptor and artist of all time.


“If you look at all these sculptures around you, you will recognise me and my silhouette, as this is what my husband dedicated to me. He indeed idealised me at first, while he portrayed me as more determined and serious later on, but he was well aware of the trouble our children (the four of them) and his entire family from the countryside put me through, including many of our friends and enemies.”

Interpretive tours will take place only with prior notice and booking.

Note: Please bring refreshments with you (water, any refreshing beverage)

Location: Meštrović Gallery, Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića 46, Split

Duration: 1 hour

Price: €150

Partially adapted for people with disabilities, only in the garden area.


Muzeji Ivana Meštrovića
Šetalište Ivana Meštrovića 46, Split
021340 800

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Iris i Galerija Mestrovic donose intiman prikaz Mestrovicevog zivota koji se utkao u njegova djela. Ova tura je inspirativna i odvela me je na pravo putovanje kroz vrijeme.
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